четвртак, 13. октобар 2022.

New book release

 Dear friends, it is my pleasure to present my new book "WHITE CRANE WEAPONS"

White Crane is one of the most famous and certainly the most influential Kung Fu styles of all times. Everyone has at least heard about it which is not a small feat among literary hundreds of styles that exist today. While there are many popular styles, with enormous number of followers like Wing Chun or Choy Lee Fut, Hung Gar, Tai Chi Chuen, none of these styles holds a place in Kung Fu community like White Crane.On the other hand, there is very limited amount of information available about White Crane. Crane fist never had a lot of followers and has always been taught to very few selected students. There is a lot of misinformation about the style that come from many different sources. This book will shed some light on the weapons used by White Crane practitioners. This is not a training manual, just a short introduction to the various weapons of the style with short histories, few photos and basic principles of training.

Book can be found on the link below

White Crane Weapons

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