четвртак, 7. септембар 2017.

Wing Chun master Yves Vertommen

It is my pleasure to present kung fu enthusiast , humble and quiet man and tru master of Yip Man’s  lineage Wing Chun,  Yves Vertommen . He is opening a new Wing Chun school and in that spirit I would like to say a few words about his knowledge and experience.
He started his martial journey at the age of 7. His first arts were Judo and Taekwondo and he has instructor’s licence in both of these arts. His first encounter with Wing Chun was in 1983 while he was active soldier in Belgium military force.
After finished military service he devoted him self to Wing Chun training and practiced 6 to 8 hours daily. His teacher also sent him occasionally to other prominent Wing Chun masters to expand his knowledge. Master Simon Lau and Wang Kiu  were some of these teachers he visited and learned from. In the early 1990’s his teacher asked him to open his own school.
Over the years hundreds of students passed through master Yves’ school. His students as well as himself actively competed in various categories and won numerous prizes in full contact , semi-contact matches and forms.
His talent, knowledge and training approach were recognized by many. He is a frequent lecturer in many major traditional Chinese martial arts events. He is recognized and accepted as a teacher by Chinese martial community as well.

Over the years master Yves was main subject of various martial magazines stories and was interviewed by national TV  in several occasions. He  also , in a TV  interview , received  an award of gratitude and special service from the French Minister of Sports in Belgium.
Master Yves' school is right place for Wing Chun enthusiasts who seek knowledge,quality of information and  training in a relaxed and positive atmosphere.

website and contact info


 Master Yves with his first teacher in the early days (left), Master Simon Lau (small photo on the right)
Award from French Ministry of Sport 



Vraious invitations for martial arts events and competitions .

 Sifu Yanou San
One of the stories about Master Yves published in a martial arts magzine

Another newpaper release

From competition...

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