недеља, 27. децембар 2020.

Wing Chun Grandmaster Wayne Yung - biography

- Wayne Yung graduated from Civil Engineering, majored in Structure and Applied Mechanics in Hong Kong Baptist University in 1983 and gained his Master in Computer Science in the Queen’s University of Belfast in Northern Ireland in 1987. - In 1987, he taught Computer Science full-time in Hong Kong Baptist University and part-time in the City University of Hong Kong. Now, he is working in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology since 1990. - From 2009-2014, he was appointed to conduct a Kung Fu class for the co-MBA program of Hong Kong University and Science and Technology and New York University @ Stern once a year. - Wayne Yung is the consulting editor and writer of New Martial Hero magazine since 2008 and a writer on the “Health & Kung Fu Talk” Special topic in the newspaper AM730 in Hong Kong since 2014. - He learnt different Chinese martial arts, TaeKwonDo and Judo in his teenagers. In 1976 and 1977, he won the Hong Kong South China Athletic Association Open Hong Kong Tournaments 1st runner up and 2nd runner up respectively. Then he taught Judo and became a Judo referee until 1993, totally getting retired from Judo. - In 1978, he followed Grandmaster Law Chiu Wing to learn Snake Crane Wing Chun in closed door style till 2008. Since 2009, Snake Crane Wing Chun re-open to the public, and he is appointed by GM Law to be the president of the Snake Crane Wing Chun Martial Arts Association. In the same year, he established a Snake Crane Wing Chun martial art team for staff of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The team had been invited repeatedly to have open kung fu cultural exchanges and workshops for the foreigner HKUST students - Based on his educational background, in 1993, he spent 25 years to study and analysis all he learned the traditional Snake Crane Wing Chun, and developing a good easy modern way to teach. - In 2014, he published a paper on “Investigation on Some Forgotton Wing Chun Kuen History”which was recognized by the Foshan Wushu History Research Centre and Foshan Wing Chun Oral History Study group. - In 2017, he was invited by Sifu Salvador from Spain to present the Snake Crane Wing Chun history in their “International Wing Chun day”in Spain in March. - In 2012, he submitted Snake Crane Wing Chun to apply for the first published list of Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Asset Heritage in 2014. - In 2012, he was also appointed as the Wing Chun Advisor of a Kung Fu movie “亂世護寶- Troubled Treasures” to train the action directors and actors, and later Snake Crane Wing Chun contents and Kuen Kuits have been added to the movie by the scene writer. - President of Snake Crane Wing Chun Mun, Snake Crane Wing Chun Martial Arts Association, Snake Crane Wing Chun Athletic Association, Snake Crane Wing Chun Yung Kwok Wing Athletic Association. - Snake Crane Wing Chun Athletic Association is for international promotion of SCWC. Now, there are branches and representatives in Germany, France, India, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, Costa Rica. 翁國榮師傅的歴 翁國榮師傅 - 翁國榮師傅於1983年畢業於香港浸會大學土木工程學系,主修結構與應用工程力學,並於1987年在北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特女王大學獲得計算機科學碩士學位。 - 1987年,他在香港浸會大學全職教授計算機科學,並在香港城市大學兼職教授計算機工程。從1990年開始在香港科技大學工作至現在。 - 從2009年至2014年,他每年一次教授香港科技大學和紐約大學@Stern的MBA課程的功夫工作坊。 - 翁國榮師傅自2008年起擔任New Martial Hero雜誌的顧問編輯和撰稿人,並自2014年起擔任香港AM730報紙“武健講場”專題的撰稿人。 - 他在年青時習了不同的中國武術,跆拳道和柔道。 1976年和1977年,他分別獲得香港華南體育會香港公開柔道錦標賽亞軍和季軍。然後,他教授柔道,及成為柔道裁判,直到1993年完全從柔道退役。 - 1978年,他跟隨羅昭榮師傅,以閉門式學習蛇鶴詠春至2008年。自2009年起,蛇鶴詠春向公眾開放,成立蛇鶴詠春國術總會,並由其師任命為總裁。同年,在香港科技大學職員會成立了蛇鶴詠春武術隊。該隊曾多次被邀請為科大外國學生開設功夫文化交流和工作坊。 - 根據他的教育背景,1993年,他花了25年時間研和分析他所學習的傳統蛇鶴詠春,並把它整理成一種簡單易學的教學方法。 - 2014年,他發表了一篇用了超過20年研究的蛇鶴詠春歷史的論文「一段被遺忘的詠春拳歷史」,原來蛇鶴詠春是與太平天國火燒紅船有關的。 - 2017年,他受西班牙師傅 Salvador邀請,在3月份飛西班牙參加其“國際詠春日”,當中講述了所探究的蛇鶴詠春歷史。 - 2012年,他提交蛇鶴詠春資料申報香港非物質文化遺產,成功地於2014年列於首批香港非物質文化遺產名錄中。 - 2012年,他還被邀請作功夫電影“亂世護寶”的詠春顧問,以培訓動作導演和演員,後來蛇鶴詠春內容和拳訣更被編劇加到電影中。 - 現擔任蛇鶴詠春國術總會、蛇鶴詠春體育會及蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會會長。 - 蛇鶴詠春體育會作蛇鶴詠春的國際推廣官方機構。現在,德國、法國、英國、中國、印度、加拿大、台灣、新加坡及哥斯達黎加都有分支機構和代表。